Buy the Star Trac Inspiration strength range cheaper on Wafsport

Beauty is strength, intuition is intelligence. Star Trac sought out the best in industrial design, biomechanics and user functionality of self-loading machines and wanted to capture the most important elements in an iconic and innovative line of luxury strength. The Inspiration strength line embodies their design platform with a distinctive and differentiated aesthetic, an open and inviting form factor, easy-to-see intuitive adjustments and a biomechanics that offers motivation to the user and training rewards.

Adjustable decline bench IP-B7508

Star Trac - Inspiration

Adjustable decline bench IP-B7508 Star Trac
646 488 FCFA
986 010 FCFA

Abduction adduction IP-S1319

Star Trac - Inspiration

Abduction adduction IP-S1319 Star Trac
1 762 726 FCFA
2 528 280 FCFA

5-Station IP-M9605

Star Trac - Inspiration

5-Station IP-M9605 Star Trac
4 553 323 FCFA
9 208 037 FCFA

Inspiration is elite training

With one-sided independent functions, power-assisted seat adjustments, lenticular image posters and their patented Lock N Load weight selection system, Inspiration strength embodies what an elite user-focused strength line should be.